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Auteur: FranckyVerstuurd op 2020-05-10 20:24:35

Nieuw op Lichess

Hoi Maarten ,

Juist gezien op faceboek via David Roos .

Vraag me niet hoe het werkt want heb er echt geen idee van .

Swiss tournaments [BETA]

In a Swiss tournament, each competitor does not necessarily play all other entrants. Competitors meet one-on-one in each round and are paired using a set of rules designed to ensure that each competitor plays opponents with a similar running score, but not the same opponent more than once. The winner is the competitor with the highest aggregate points earned in all rounds. All competitors play in each round unless there is an odd number of players.

Swiss tournaments can only be created by team leaders, and can only be played by team members.
Join or create a team to start playing in swiss tournaments.

Comparison Arena tournaments Swiss tournaments
Duration of the tournament Predefined duration in minutes Predefined max rounds, but duration unknown
Number of games As many as can be played in the allotted duration Decided in advance, same for all players
Pairing system Any available opponent with similar ranking Best pairing based on points and tie breaks
Pairing wait time Fast: doesn't wait for all players Slow: waits for all players
Identical pairing Possible, but not consecutive Forbidden
Late join & pause Yes Yes but it reduces the number of rounds
Streaks & Berserk Yes No
Similar to OTB tournaments No Yes
Unlimited and free Yes Yes

When to use swiss tournaments instead of arenas?In a swiss tournament, all participants play the same number of games, and can only play each other once.
It can be a good option for clubs and official tournaments.


How are points calculated?A win is worth one point, a draw is a half point, and a loss is zero points.
When a player can't be paired during a round, they receive a bye worth one point.


How are tie breaks calculated?With the Sonneborn–Berger score.
Add the scores of every opponent the player beats and half of the score of every opponent the player draws.

?How are pairings decided?

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Categorie: Volwassenengastenboek


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